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Griffin Glasshouses

Griffin Glasshouses

Greenhouses of Distinction...

A little bit about Griffin …

Griffin Glasshouses create beautiful bespoke modern and Victorian greenhouses for discerning gardeners in the UK and internationally. We’re also proud to offer a collection of Victorian style greenhouses for the National Garden Scheme.

Griffin is a true family run business based in Ropley, Hampshire, started by David Griffin over 50 years ago and now owned and managed by his son, daughter and nephew. A third of our staff comprises family members and all of our glasshouses are handmade at our workshop.

Whatever you have in mind, small or large, Victorian, or modern, we’re happy to share our experience.   We’ll guide you through the decisions you need to make to create your perfect greenhouse.

What we can do for you…

Importantly, we design your aluminium greenhouse especially for you and your needs as a gardener. So whether you need a warm, humid environment for your orchids, a cool shady spot for your alpines or wires to support your peaches or grapes, we can create the perfect setting for your plants.

Of course, you want to spend your time cultivating your plants not worrying about the upkeep of your greenhouse. We manufacture aluminium greenhouse products and also use hot dipped galvanized steel. This gives your greenhouse all the appeal of a traditional wooden structure but without the maintenance headaches.

Griffin offers a bespoke manufacturing service and carries out a full measuring survey of every glasshouse base before drawing up and manufacturing to fit. 

If planning consent is required, Griffin can undertake the application process on your behalf as your agent as part of our great service. We do not charge for this service, you just cover the direct costs which are usually around £280, and it usually takes 8 weeks from validation.

Griffin send full plans and instructions for your builders to undertake the building works to our specifications, and we visit to carry out a full measuring survey of the completed base before manufacturing to fit. It is a bespoke service.

Ventilation is fundamental to any glasshouse. Our ventilators are specified as automatic as standard practice, and can fit manual if preferred. Busy and practical gardeners especially, need the reassurance that the glasshouse is well ventilated. 

We give full length roof ventilation of 0.6m – 1.65m deep, depending upon the size of structure, along with side opening ventilators so that every glasshouse has more than the industry standard allowance in opening ventilation. Large side ventilators, opening at plant level, are required to draw air in and push warm air out through the roof ventilators. We always calculate our ventilation requirement based on the fact that the door is likely to be closed.

Our structures have a lifetime structural guarantee.

Our aim is to make your greenhouse experience memorable. We’re really looking forward to helping you bring your glasshouse project to life.

Please contact us on: 01962 772512

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