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A Perfect Educational Environment...

Welcome to Queenswood

Queenswood is a progressive Boarding and Day School for around 490 girls, aged between 11 and 18, where Boarders make up about half of the School.

An all-round education focuses on equipping the girls with all the life skills required of women in the 21st century. Within a caring and supportive framework, the girls enjoy a dynamic academic curriculum, supported by a diverse and exciting co-curricular programme.

It is a warm and friendly community where everybody knows each other. Girls thrive within a nurturing  House structure tailored to meet their needs as they progress from the Lower School, through the Middle School and on into the Sixth Form. Day Girls are fully integrated within the Houses, are able to enjoy all the facilities and opportunities available to the Boarders, but choose to go home at night after a packed school day.

There is a flexible approach to Boarding to meet the varying needs of individual families; girls may choose to be full or weekly Boarders or to enjoy one of our one, two or three night options.  In addition,  our comprehensive door- to- door transport service for day girls and flexi-boarders supports parents juggling the daily school run with busy working lives. With a fleet of dedicated vehicles, our routes cover many areas in North and Central London and the Home Counties. For our international girls, we arrange for pick up and drop off at Heathrow at the beginning and end of terms and half-terms.

Queenswood is proud to be an international community with an outward looking approach; overseas girls make up around 20% of the pupils. We welcome girls of all faiths and none, and recognise and support an individual’s adherence to her own faith, but expect all girls to embrace the School’s broad Christian ethos.

The girls are ambitious high achievers, winning places at the top universities both at home and abroad prior to embarking upon a range of exciting careers. Individual talent also flourishes in sport and the creative and performing arts. As important as individual achievement, is the development of a sense of responsibility for each other and the world in which they live. Queenswood girls are thoughtful young people with a secure set of values and self-confidence.

We are a fully inclusive school and pride ourselves on providing personalised provision for all students and recognise the importance to assess, identify and support students with special educational needs. Based in our Personalised Learning Centre, our expert staff are passionate about differentiating learning to ensure the needs of all students are met both in and outside of the classroom. Our Academic Scholarship programme gives the academically gifted a sense of identity, pride and additional purpose as they reach towards ever higher levels of achievement, both within the curriculum and through enrichment activities.

The beautiful Queenswood estate provides the perfect educational environment. Being just 18 minutes from central London by fast train from nearby Potters Bar station, it also has the advantage of easy access to the cultural richness of the capital. At the same time, its proximity to major international airports provides ease of travel for both our overseas girls and for those participating in the school’s foreign exchange and visit programmes.

Open Events and Individual Visits

It is not possible to do justice to the special qualities of our school in a prospectus or on a website, so we would thoroughly recommend making a visit.

To book a place at one of our open events or to organise an individual visit, please contact the Admissions Office at or by telephone on +44 (0) 1707 602500

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